
Merry Christmas

{pecan pie and ornaments hung in the sun-room windows}

It's Christmas Eve! That's so exciting. We've already started the day making a jalapeño sausage dip and sausage balls. We're a big finger food family during this time of year. My two little cousins are over now and we are about to make cookies for Santa! Later tonight we have Christmas Eve Service then my mom's side of the family all head down to my grandma's house (you know, the one who taught me to make biscuits!) and all the children get to open their gift from their uncles and aunts! They usually hear Santa every Christmas Eve as well. 

Tomorrow we will be waking up to see what Santa brings us, then we will have a big Christmas Day breakfast over at my cousin's house, then it's movies, football, and snacks the rest of the day! I love Christmas!

I hope all of you have a spectacular day today and tomorrow. Enjoy your family and friends and take some time to remember why we all come together on this special day. 

Merry Christmas!


  1. Awwe have a very Merry Christmas!! It sounds like you are going to have an amazing time :)

  2. Sounds just lovely! Merry Christmas!

  3. Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Happy holidays!

  4. Linley--I hope you had a wonderful day.


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