

sweater: Old Navy (similar and similar)
blouse: J Crew
shoes: TJ Maxx
clutch: vintage
sunnies: Oakley

I purchased this sweater a couple months ago at Old Navy and I was finally able to wear it. We had a short-lived, cool weather spurt, but it's back warm again. I'm hoping the weather really starts to cool down in the next month. Fingers crossed. We're entering our third winter down here in Alabama and I'm still not used to a warm fall. 

Despite the not-so-cold weather, I'm in full swing with getting our Christmas decor up. I've posted a few photos on Instagram of us putting up the new tree, garland on the mantel, and Starbucks Red Christmas cups. I'm trying to get things up this week and next so when we return home from Georgia, after Thanksgiving, everything will be set up and we can just enjoy all the festive decor between then and Christmas. 


  1. Old Navy sure is getting into the game, love that sweater

    <a href="http://girlsnextbestfriend.blogspot.com>Confessions of a Purse-a-holic</a>

  2. Love this sweater on you!! :) I was thinking of putting the christmas lights up soon....


  3. I also need the sweater!:)
    very cute look
    kisses from Milano

  4. Cute! I got this sweater in green and love it!

    Love that your Christmas decorations are already up. I plan on starting that next week. :)


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