
Happy New Year

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Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2012! 
Here we go!


D&T in 2011

This year has already flown by and I can hardly believe it! So many amazing things have happened on my blog and I owe all thanks to those of you who read D&T. I've been able to collaborate with terrific companies like Karen Kane, Apothica, JCPenney, and Misikko; I had the privilege of styling a new jewelry line from Jess LC and being a part of the lookbook for that collection; I was featured on some of your blogs! And I even made it into the Huffington Post. Say whhhat?

I thoroughly enjoy blogging and being able to share some of my life and style here on D&T. Here's to hoping that 2012 is just as fun and exciting! I already have a hand-full of reviews, lifestyle posts, and outfit ideas lined up for the new year! 

To close this year I sifted through the blog and picked out a few looks that I really loved - some are pretty relaxed and others are fun and dressy. In general, I'd say my style is simple; I throw on a couple pieces and then I get really proud of myself for (at least) pulling a look together. After 27 years I'm still not exactly sure what my style is, but I definitely plan on exploring that more this coming year. 


See you all next year!



So I've had my heart set on red Hunter boots for a couple years now. Red is a fun color and, let's face it, you wear rain boots on not-so-fun days. If you're wearing these bad boys it's either raining, snowing, or, at least, overcast. Why not have a fun, bright color? 

However, lately I've been contemplating other colors. I love the dark olive green for it's classic look; I like navy blue because it's a great neutral and blends perfectly with skinny jeans. And then - then - I stumbled upon these lovelies. They look absolutely gorgeous and sophisticated - even though they are just rain boots, I feel like they could be worn up or down. 

I have some thinking to do, but in the meantime, I'd love to hear which pair you'd pick!



Merry Christmas


We're here in Savannah for Christmas! I've taken a little bit of time off from the blog and I will continue to do so for a couple days as I plan on spending my time enjoying family and celebrating Christmas. 

If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you take some time today to remember and appreciate why we all get together with family and friends, why we give gifts, and why this day even exists. Hooray for Jesus's birth!

Merry Christmas


Makeup Brushes

Some of you probably buy high-end make up  - or some might just grab whatever foundation looks like it might match your skin tone off the racks at the drug store. Whatever works for you is great - I've done both. No matter what the brand, your brushes should be up to par. I had heard nothing but amazing things about MAC brushes, but I'm just not willing to dish out $30+ a brush for a complete set. Not gonna happen, people. So I did my research and found that Sigma carried some high-quality brushes - for a decent price. So I asked for this set for Christmas last year. 

It has provided every type of brush I need! I have used them on a daily basis since last year and they are still in great condition. I do have a couple hairs on the larger brushes fall out every once in a while, but it's never a big deal. I love these babies and I'm wanting to try out some more of what Sigma has. 

I really want to try out their travel kits. A vegan or 18K gold would be nice. I'm also sharing these because (although it's late) I do think these would make great gifts for any female friend you have on your last-minute list. 

Aside from these travel kits, I'd also love to get my hands on the Extravaganza 29 Brush Complete Kit in 18K Gold  (ZOMGGG!!!!) and I'd also really like to see how their palettes stand up.

Anyway, I just really love these brushes for the quality and price and wanted to share! Do you use Sigma products? I do have certain favorite brushes if you're not looking to buy a whole kit - let me know if you'd like to hear about individual favorites!


Lately + A Giveaway

Hello friends. I've come to realize the past couple months I have been pretty inconsistent here on the blog. A lot of life has been happening since October - sick visitors, holidays, weekend excursions, getting super sick, Christmas shopping, a full time job, and keeping a house together. Blogging gets booted. Sorry. I'm hoping either over Christmas or at the start of the new year I can regain some normalcy and get back to my little baby here on the internets. </rant>

In the meantime, I have something to keep you entertained. Remember when I posted on Monster.com's new Facebook app - BeKnown? At the bottom of that post, in tinny, tiny writing I mentioned I was given a couple gifts for posting - well, Monster wants to give one of you the same thing they gave me! 


You get a makeup kit 9which looks full of goodies!) and a cute business card holder!

All you need to do is visit BeKnown and comment below! 


Daily Threads: Layered


After my recent chop, I decided to grow my hair back out. Not really, but that would be awesome. These are from a couple weeks ago - they got lost somehow, but I'm glad I found them. 


Daily Threads: Wedding Wear

  dress: c/o karen kane, pumps: franco sarto via tj maxx (similar), clutch: thrifted

Over the weekend we had a wedding to attend - I finally was able to wear this gorgeous, lace dress I've been dying to wear for a couple months now! So in love! Oh, I also chopped my hair. I guess I could use the word finally for that as well... I said I was going to chop my hair over a year and a half ago, but it never happened. I finally mustered the guts and I have to say I'm loving it! It's extremely different, but it's a great change - and Christopher loves it.

Happy Monday!


Monster.com - "Present the Best You" Contest

Today I'm teaming up with Monster.com to tell you all about a recent Facebook app they have launched called BeKnown. Monster knows that the majority of college students and young professionals spend quite a bit of time on Facebook, but it can be pretty hard to adequately divide your social and professional life on one site. Thus, BeKnown is where it's at! Whether you are looking for your first job or your satisfied with your current, BeKnown will help you network professionally within the world's largest social network. There's also an iphone app!

Interview Tips

Below I'm sharing with you three different looks and a hand full of tips that I believe are appropriate for interviews - depending on the type of interview, of course. First and foremost, you should dress for the job you want - meaning, I don't think there is just one type of look for all interviews. Below I am covering a professional look, a business casual look, and a fashion forward look - which should suit you all!

First, the Professional. Keep it simple and conservative. You want your knowledge and skills to shine in the interview. You don't want to bother the interviewer with loud bangles or strong perfume; nor do you want to draw attention to your assets. Stick to a suit or mix and match business-appropriate pieces without getting crazy. In more cases than not, when it comes to interviewing for a professional position, the interview is about you - not your clothes. Of course, you still should look classic and put together. 

Business Casual. Know what the attire is within the setting of the job you are applying. If you know the office or environment you are applying for is more business casual, it's acceptable to dress this way. Again, dress for the job you want. Show your personality and personal style without overpowering your skills and knowledge for the job at hand. If you're ever in doubt, dress up. It's always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. 

Fashion Forward. For you lucky individuals that get to dabble in the fashion industry on a daily basis, I say show what you've got when it comes to style! If you are interviewing for an intern position, designer, stylist, or anything directly related to fashion, I think it's important to let that show! Throw on something that incorporates your personal style and creativity. 

I hope some of these looks and tips help you out when the time comes for you to find a new job! Be sure to check out BeKnown!

Today's post is an entry to the "Present the Best You" contest hosted by Monster.com. I was provided a makeup kit and business car holder as an entrant to the contest. All tips, looks, and opinions are my own. 


Daily Threads: Bright Fall

top: F21 (similar), pants: J Crew, jacket: Vera Wang (similar), loafers: Isaac Mizrahi (similar)

We actually took these photos back in NC during Thanksgiving break. Today wasn't really a day for outfit photos - I have on jeans and a long sleeve tee. Exciting, I know. Here's why: My voice had been a little funky since Friday - and Sunday morning I woke up with some cold/flu symptoms. I hate that feeling of the realization that you're sick. Eh. I knew it. So I stayed home today and finally got out of bed around lunch and headed to the doctor. 

They did a strep test and took some x-rays of my chest and sinuses. When the doctor came in the first thing he asked me was Do you typically have sinus problems? Yes. He told me I have bronchitis and my sinuses were a mess - I have a severe sinus infection. He described it as a transfer-truck size infection in a tiny little body. Great. So he gave me two steroid shots in my hiney, a strong antibiotic, and some mucinex. He also told me not to go to work until Wednesday. 

I'm in my pj's, drinking fluids, and watching tv between naps. How was your Monday?


Five Things

Smokehouse Potato Soup

It's been a bit chilly down here in the south. Nothings better than hearty, flavorful soups on cool days. This soup is one Chris and I love. Love! It's delicious and even better the next day. Here's the recipe above - just add to the first line "cook until potatoes are tender." Add to the second line "add in crumbled bacon." Enjoy!

Shellac Manicure

The picture above is day seven of my manicure. I use my hands and fingers a lot throughout the day. My regular nail polish usually chips on day two (if not day one). I'm amazed and will definitely be getting my Shellac on when it comes to special events, holidays, and long trips. You literally don't have to take it off until your nail grows out and there's a noticeable gap between your cuticle and polish. They typically last 14+ days. It's a slightly longer and more expensive manicure, but worth the extra time a couple bucks! 

Ah! You've probably heard of these already, but I can't help but mention them. The line comes in an assortment of gorgeous colors and calling them a butter could not be more true! These butters are moisturizing and have great pigmentation. I have berry smoothie, peach parfait, candy apple, and cotton candy (not pictured). Go try one! I promise you'll love them - and you'll probably buy more. 

I received this in a sample size in a more recent Birchbox. It smells amazing, works wonderfully, and you don't have t worry about that greasy film that lotion can sometimes leave. It's jam-packed with minerals and other goodies to keep your hands looking and feeling great! I love it!

Jimmy V's ESPY Speech circa 1993

If you're a college basketball fan, you know this week is Jimmy V week. If you have 11 minutes today (or tomorrow, whenever) I urge you to watch this speech. This is his acceptance speech for the Arthur Ashe Courage and Humanitarian Award; it is sincere, emotional, and motivating. He speaks powerful words and you can't help but smile when you listen - you'll probably cry too. Less than two months following this speech he lost his life to cancer (bone cancer).