
Over the Weekend: Savannah

I wanted to post yesterday, but turns out I needed an extra day for recovery over the long weekend. Last night I also had my fantasy football league draft, started Day 1 of Insanity, and had to catch up on True Blood - pretty busy for a Monday! Sorry for the delay, but here are just a few of the photos from this past weekend in Savannah! We headed over there to spend the weekend with husband's parents, sister, and grandparents - it was too short, but so nice to see everyone!

Hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine!


  1. Savannah is one of my favorite cities! Love to see the pictures.

  2. Great pictures! Savannah is one of my favorite places on earth! My family vacations there once every couple years, and we have so many fun memories in that city!

  3. i love your casual cute outfit!

  4. Some many things in this post reiterate the fact that we were destined to be good friends. Yuengling! True Blood?! Football. Why don't live we closer again?

    ps, love that colorful button down!

  5. love savannah! looks like you guys had a wonderful time. love that plaid tee, too!

  6. ahhh, love this outfit. where's your purse from?

  7. Lovely photos. I really like your outfit :) Hope Day 1 of the Insanity workouts went well for you!

  8. Looks so fun!!

    And catching up on True Blood is serious business. Speaking of, there's a new episode tonight and I cannot wait. :D


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