
Recipe: Banana Nut Bread

Last week I had ripe bananas that I knew I wouldn't eat in time before they went bad so I decided to make my first loaf of bread. I don't remember when or where, but a while ago I went into a Starbucks and they had a recipe card for their banana nut bread on the counter for anyone to take one - and of course I snagged it - their banana nut bread is beyond delicious. So I thought these bananas would be perfect for trying out this recipe. 

I didn't have everything this recipe called for, so there were a few makeshift ingredients. The main one was chocolate chips for walnuts - I try not to be too healthy around this house! Makeshift ingredients and all - it turned out to be delicious and was breakfast for several days. 

Since the recipe is pretty simple (basically just mix the ingredients in the order the recipe calls), I didn't snap photos of each step.

2 c. flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 1/8 c. sugar
1/2 c. vegetable oil
2 tbsp buttermilk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 c. chopped walnuts 
1/3 c. chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 325. Grease and lightly flour 9x5x3 loaf pan.
Blend flour, salt, and baking soda. Set aside. 
Mix egg, sugar, and vegetable oil until combined. 
Add flour mixture to to egg mixture. When blended, add buttermilk, vanilla, and mashed bananas. Mix well.
Fold 1/2 c. of chopped walnuts. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. 
Top batter with remaining 1/3 c. of chopped walnuts.
Bake 45-60 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean. 

And that's it! It's super easy for such a delicious loaf of bread!

After a few days of having a slice for breakfast I got bored with the same ole' thing. So making French toast out of the remainder of the loaf was a no-brainer (one of my favorite things ever!). 

(for 2-3 slices)
In a bowl mix: 
one large egg 
1/4 c. condensed milk (or reg. milk)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
a few shakes of cinnamon

Melt a generous tab of butter over medium heat and when it starts boiling, dip slices in mixture and place in pan. Cook until lightly brown on both sides. 


Severe with warm syrup.

  • And there you go - two for the price of one! I love breakfast everything, so I hope this isn't overload. Enjoy it!


    1. oh yum. and please don't judge me if i happened to take the bananas i JUST threw away out of the trash to make this tonight. they were the only things in there, promise! :)
      kitty clotheshorse

    2. mmm, so delicious. I know for sure what my breakfast is going to be tomorrow! Hopefully, I have some bananas at home now.

    3. sounds so good!!! :) i love the idea of making it french toast! yumm...

    4. The first time I made banana bread was from the Starbucks recipe card as well haha.
      But I didn't think of the great idea like you did though...to make French toast. YUMM. I'm going to try that next time, it sounds delish.

      p.s. Too funny, I posted a recipe too earlier (which has been way overdue) :)

    5. Yum, yum, yum!! Thanks for sharing :)

    6. Delicious! I actually made banana bread last week! So delicious.

    7. That looks amazing!! Thanks for sharing :)

    8. oh my gosh!!!! that looks so yummy!! i've been wanting to make some, with the old frozen bananas in the freezer...clearly i've been wanting to for a while lol

    9. Oh my goodness, they both look delicious! I can't wait to try both! Thanks for sharing :)

    10. OMG looks delicious. If only I could make myself be that domestic lately :)

    11. yum that looks so good! and pretty simple to make, perfect for me since the only thing i really cook is breakfast! lol

    12. this sounds super yummy. i love banana bread!

    13. I never thought of using banana bread for French toast. With being pregnant- French toast is all I’ve been eating these days …. thank you for sharing your spin on it!


    14. Oh my goodness, that sounds AMAZING!!

      Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

    15. Yummmmmy....I'm so hungry now and I miss my mom. I must beg her to make banana nut bread for my b-day! :)

    16. This made me extremely hungry. I love french toast and banana bread!

    17. The French toast version of the loaf looks so so yummy!! x

    18. looks soooo delicious ..mmmm : )

    19. Looks great...my daughter just told me the teacher at school said to make bread with bananas that were too ripe, lol....think Ill give it a try:)

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    20. yum yum yum! this looks delish! my hubby loves banana anything, must make for him sometime!!

    21. Yum! I have never thought of using banana bread as french toast! That sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing!


    22. Yum! I tried this today as muffins with a crumb topping and posted my version on my blog. It was so good!But I'll have to try the bread for french toast sometime!



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