
Bride's Eye View: Inaugural Post

Let's get this rolling! I'm so excited to finally set up and get going with these Bride's Eye View posts - which will, from here on out, be referred to as BEV. Some things you can expect to see from these posts are:

I learned a lot through out the entire process of planning a wedding. I feel like the advice that I have to share would have most definitely been helpful while I was planning and it wouldn't feel right not to share.

I tried to incorporate several DIY and personalized touches throughout the wedding. There are several things I wanted to do and decide on by myself. That was important to me rather than letting someone else, like a planner, just give me things to pick from.

BEV is more than just about what I learned and did, it's also about what went down. Some posts will simply be photos snapped during the process or during the big day that I just want to share or that might have a story.

Whatever Else
Reminiscing about all the wedding planning and details may or may not have secondary effects causing me to maybe look at wedding dresses... or wedding blogs... or be inspired to share fun things I find... I can't help it. It's a girl things.

I've been keeping a running list of topics to blog about for BEV. You know how when you are driving, exercising , or in the shower you think up some of the best ideas and thoughts that you never would have or could have if you were sitting down and actually trying to do so? And there's no way you can write it down because you are driving, exercising, or showering. Yes? No? Well, this happens to me more than what should be allowed. For this reason, I have been keeping a small notebook handy for when I am in the shower and I think, When I am writing up my post on registering, I need to make sure to include this, this, and this. Or when I am driving and I think, I should really talk about how much of a struggle it was to pick out one detail of the wedding - the first dance. Yeah, that. I don't want to leave anything out!

Finally, I want to acknowledge that anything I say on these posts are solely my opinions from what I've learned. I'm not trying to say that my views are the correct or only way, because they are not. I just what to share what I learned and what I think would have been helpful to know whether it may be advice, resources, or ideas.

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